On 16.01.2023, the Special Prosecutor’s Office registered the criminal proceedings No. 9 of 2023, for the criminal offenses “Premeditated murder”, “Passive corruption of judges, prosecutors and other officials of the judicial bodies”, “Active corruption of judge, prosecutor and other justice functionaries”, “Illegal deprivation of liberty”, “Abuse of duty”, “False expertise”, “Forgery of documents”, “Trafficking of narcotics”, “Illegal possession and production of weapons, explosive weapons and ammunition”, in cooperation in the form of “Structured criminal group”, “Commitment of criminal offenses by criminal organization and structured criminal group”, “Cleaning of products of criminal offense or criminal activity”, these offenses provided by articles 78, 319/ç, 319, 110, 248, 309, 278, 283/a, 333/a,334 and 287 of the Criminal Code.

In the framework of this proceeding, the Special Structure Against Corruption and Organized Crime, in intensive cooperation with Eurojust, Europol and the Belgian, Dutch and French law enforcement agencies, has conducted investigations regarding several Albanian citizens involved in criminal activity in Albania and in some European countries. It has also been investigated in connection with some previous criminal events that took place in Albania in the years 2019-2022.

During the intensive investigations carried out by BKH investigators, under the guidance of special prosecutors, it became possible to document the criminal activity of suspected persons, as well as to identify some of the perpetrators of the criminal events that occurred as follows:

• Identification of the suspected perpetrators of the murder of citizen Gj. B., happened in Shkodër in August 2020.

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